Phi Sigma Sigma
"Aim High"


Phi Sigma Sigma was founded in 1913. Since its founding, the women of Phi Sigma Sigma have committed to fostering a unique sisterhood, comprising of powerful women who believe in the development of strong principles and the advancement of womanhood.
As a chapter, we work to raise funds for the Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation, our international philanthropy, as well as The Kids in Need Foundation, each benefiting school and college readiness for children.
Our members are involved in a variety of organizations on campus, hold leadership positions, and volunteer countless hours of service. Our chapter consistently supports and socializes with other Greek organizations.
“Aim High” is the motto we follow, reminding us to always uphold our values in order to be successful and achieve our goals.
These characteristics encompass what makes our chapter special.
President: Ashley Hoeh
Recruitment Chair: Anna Wirsch
National Website:
Suite Location: 018 Minnich Hall
National Founding Date: November 26th, 1913 - Hunter College
Local Founding Date: Fall 2015
National Organization Values: Friendship, faith, love, sincerity, integrity, and strength.
Colors: King Blue and Gold
Symbol: Sphinx
Nickname: Phi Sig
National Philanthropy: Phi Sigma Sigma Foundation
Membership: 101
Cumulative GPA: 3.41
Required GPA: 2.5
2024-2025 Dues
New Member: $864.00
Active Member: $620.00 per semester
Social Media: