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Panhellenic Bylaws

Updated September 7th, 2024

Article I: Name 

The name of this organization shall be the Panhellenic Association of Miami University, hereinafter referred to as the Panhellenic Association or PA. 


Article II: Object 

The purpose of the Panhellenic Association shall be: 

  1. To act in executive, legislative, and accountability capacities, which seem necessary for the uniform practice and benefit of Miami University's women’s fraternal organizations and its members. 

  2. To cooperate with the University Administration in the maintenance of both academic and social standards. 

  3. To act as a coordinating body for all national/international and local women's fraternal organizations. 

  4. To promote Greek affiliation without discriminating on the basis of age, color, gender, ability, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or weight. 

  5. To act in accordance with all the rules established by the PA, National Panhellenic Conference, and MU that does not violate the sovereignty, rights, and privileges of member chapters. 

  6. To promote the five pillars of the Greek Community. 


Article III: Membership 

Section 1: Membership Classes 

The Panhellenic Association (PA) shall be composed of all initiates and new members of chapters and establishing chapters recognized by the appropriate governing council and the Cliff Alexander Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL). Membership shall be composed of three statuses: Full, Provisional, and Associate. 


A. To be a Full Member, a Chapter must: 

  1. Be chartered as a full and active Sorority/Fraternity Chapter at MU and member of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). 

  2. Be recognized as a Full Member by the PA, FSL, and MU. 

  3. Be in Good Standing with the PA, FSL, and MU. 

  4. Comply with the duties of a Full Member as outlined herein.


B. To be a Provisional Member, a chapter must: 

  1. Be recognized as an establishing chapter at MU by the NPC member organization.

  2. Be in Good Standing with the PA, FSL, and MU. 

  3. Comply with the duties of a provisional Member as outlined herein.  


C. To be an Associate Member, a chapter must: 

  1. Be recognized as a women's-only local sororities or inter/national or regional non-NPC member organizations.

  2. Be in good standing with the PA, FSL, and MU. 

  3. Comply with the duties of an associate member and member as outlined herein. 


Section 2: Privileges and Responsibilities of Membership

A. Full Membership 

  1. A full member shall: 

    1. Have all privileges and rights of a Member under this Constitution and Bylaws except as limited by the actions of the Panhellenic Council, PA Standards Board, FSL, and/or MU. 

    2. Hold one vote at PA meetings. 

    3. Receive equal representation with other members in PA and FSL publications that list or describe member chapters. 

  2. A full member may: 

    1.  Participate in PA-sponsored activities, programs, and/or events. 

    2. Participate in PA recruitment activities, programs, and/or events. 

    3. Participate in philanthropy and community service activities and conduct New Member programs and/or events as regulated by the PA, FSL, and/or MU. 

    4. Participate in social functions with other PA members, National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), Interfraternity Council (IFC), and Multi-Cultural Greek Council (MGC) chapters recognized by the FSL and student organizations or athletic teams recognized by MU. 

    5. Participate in Greek Week as regulated by the Greek Week Executive Board, PA, FSL, and/or MU. 

    6. Have its members, as they are eligible, hold executive, appointed offices and committee positions of the PA and MU. 

    7. Have access to the PA and FSL resources and services. 

    8. Be eligible for awards and recognition sponsored by the PA, FSL, and/or MU. 

  3. A full member must: 

    1. Abide by the regulations, policies, decisions, and actions of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC). 

    2. Abide by the regulations, policies, decisions, and actions of MU. 

    3. Abide by this Constitution and Bylaws. 

    4. Abide by the Miami University Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association Risk Management Policy and the Greek Philanthropy Guidelines of the PA. 

    5. Abide by the regulations, policies, decisions, and actions of the PA, FSL, the PA Executive Board, and the PA Standards Board. 

    6. Abide by the PA, FSL, and/or MU regulations, policies, decisions, and actions regarding new member programs and chapter philanthropy and community service activities, program, and/or events. 

    7. Have attendance of at least its Panhellenic Delegate, Chapter President, or other denoted chapter representative for the duration of all PA meetings, inclusive of chapter officer roundtables/meetings.

    8. Participate in mandatory PA activities, programs, and/or events, as determined by the PA, PA Executive Board, FSL, and/or MU. 

    9. Abide the PA Recruitment regulations, policies, decisions, and actions. 

    10. Cooperate in proceedings of the PA Standards Board with which a chapter may be involved.

    11. Pay dues and fees required by PA, FSL, and/or MU. 

    12. Maintain an updated Chapter file in the FSL office, including, but not limited to the following: 

      1. All contact and roster information requested by the FSL. 

      2. List of Advisors and Corporation Board Members and contact information. iii. Chapter and individual Grade Release Forms. 

      3. Certification of compliance with the University’s Hazing Policy. 

      4. Updated Constitution, Bylaws, and other chapter policies. Other chapter and Member information as required. 

    13. Encourage among its Members the Five Principles of the Greek Community: Scholarship & Learning, Service & Philanthropy, Leadership, Community, and Brotherhood & Sisterhood. 


B. Provisional Membership 

  1. A Provisional Member shall: 

    1. Have all privileges and rights of a member under this Constitution and Bylaws except as limited by the action of the Panhellenic Executive Council, PA Standards Board, FSL and/or MU. 

    2. Pay no dues to the PA

    3. Have a voice but no vote on all matters.

    4. Not be eligible to serve as an officer

    5. Receive equal representation with other members in PA and FSL publications that list or describe member chapters. 

    6. Automatically become a full member upon being installed as a chapter of an NPC sorority.

  2. A Provisional Member may: 

    1. Participate in PA-sponsored activities, programs, and/or events. 

    2. Participate in social functions with other PA members, National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), Interfraternity Council (IFC), and Multi-Cultural Greek Council (MGC) chapters recognized by the FSL and student organizations or athletic teams recognized by MU. 

    3. Participate in philanthropy and community service activities and conduct New Member programs and/or events as regulated by the PA, FSL, and/or MU. 

    4. Participate in Greek Week as regulated by the Greek Week Executive Board, PA, FSL, and/or MU. 

    5. Have access to the PA and FSL resources and services. 

    6. Be eligible for awards and recognition sponsored by the PA, FSL, and/or MU. 

  3. A Provisional Member must: 

    1. Abide by the regulations, policies, decision, and actions of the PA, PA Executive Board, MU, NPC, the Miami University Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association Risk Management Policy, and Philanthropy guidelines. 

    2. Abide by this Constitution and Bylaws.

    3. Abide by the PA Standards Board and PA Recruitment regulations, policies, decisions, and actions. 

    4. Have attendance of at least its Panhellenic Delegate, Chapter President, or other denoted chapter representative for the duration of the meetings requiring the attendance by Provisional Members. Meetings that require the attendance of Provisional Members include meetings for the Panhellenic Delegate and Chapter President, All-Council president meetings, specific officer roundtables/meetings and other meetings as needed. 

    5. Participate in mandatory PA activities, programs, and/or events, as determined by the PA, PA Executive Board, FSL, and/or MU. 

    6. Cooperate in proceedings of the PA Standards Board with which a chapter may be involved. 

    7. Maintain an updated chapter file in the FSL, including, but not limited to the following:

      1. All contact and roster information requested by the FSL. 

      2. List of Advisors and Corporation Board Members and contact information.

      3. Chapter and individual Grade Release Forms. 

      4. Certification of compliance with the University’s Hazing Policy. 

      5. Updated Constitution, Bylaws, and other chapter policies. 

      6. Other chapter and Member information as required. 

    8. Abide by PA, FSL, and/or MU regulations, policies, decisions, and actions regarding New Member Programs. 

    9. Abide by PA, FSL, and/or MU regulations, policies, decisions, and actions regarding philanthropy and community service activities, programs, and/or events. 

    10. Encourage among its members the Five Principles of the Greek Community: Scholarship & Learning, Service & Philanthropy, Leadership, Community, and Brotherhood & Sisterhood. 


C. Associate Membership 

  1. An Associate Member shall: 

    1. Have all privileges and rights of a member under this Constitution and Bylaws except as limited by the action of the Panhellenic Executive Council, PA Standards Board, FSL and/or MU. 

    2. Have a voice and one vote on all matters except extension-related matters. If the chapter does not participate in the primary recruitment process, they shall not have a vote on recruitment rules and the establishment or the modification of Panhellenic total.

    3. Receive equal representation with other members in PA and FSL publications that list or describe member chapters. 

  2. An Associate Member may: 

    1. Participate in PA-sponsored activities, programs, and/or events. 

    2. Participate in PA Recruitment activities, programs, and/or events. 

    3. Participate in social functions with other PA members, National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), Interfraternity Council (IFC), and Multi-Cultural Greek Council (MGC) chapters recognized by the FSL and student organizations or athletic teams recognized by MU. 

    4. Participate in philanthropy and community service activities and conduct New Member programs and/or events as regulated by the PA, FSL, and/or MU. 

    5. Participate in Greek Week as regulated by the Greek Week Executive Board, PA, FSL, and/or MU. 

    6. Have its members, as they are eligible, hold executive offices and appointed positions of the PA and MU with the exception of PA President, PA Vice President of Recruitment, and PA Vice President of Standards. 

    7. Have access to the PA and FSL resources and services. 

    8. Be eligible for awards and recognition sponsored by the PA, FSL, and/or MU.

  3. An Associate Member must: 

    1. Abide by the regulations, policies, decision, and actions of the PA, PA Executive Board, MU, NPC, the Miami University Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association Risk Management Policy, and Philanthropy guidelines. 

    2. Abide by this Constitution and Bylaws.

    3. Abide by the PA Standards Board and PA Recruitment regulations, policies, decisions, and actions. 

    4. Have attendance of at least its Panhellenic Delegate, Chapter President, or other denoted chapter representative for the duration of the meetings requiring the attendance by Associate Members. (Meetings that require the attendance of Associate Members include meetings for the Panhellenic Delegate and Chapter President, All-Council president meetings, specific officer roundtables/meetings and other meetings as needed).

    5. Participate in mandatory PA activities, programs, and/or events, as determined by the PA, PA Executive Board, FSL, and/or MU. 

    6. Cooperate in proceedings of the PA Standards Board with which a chapter may be involved. 

    7. Pay dues and fees required by the PA, FSL, and/or MU. 

    8. Maintain and updated chapter file in the FSL, including, but not limited to the following:

      1. All contact and roster information requested by the FSL. 

      2. List of Advisors and Corporation Board Members and contact information.

      3. Chapter and individual Grade Release Forms. 

      4. Certification of compliance with the University’s Hazing Policy. 

      5. Updated Constitution, Bylaws, and other chapter policies. 

      6. Other chapter and Member information as required. 

    9. Abide by PA, FSL, and/or MU regulations, policies, decisions, and actions regarding New Member Programs. 

    10. Abide by PA, FSL, and/or MU regulations, policies, decisions, and actions regarding philanthropy and community service activities, programs, and/or events. 

    11. Encourage among its members the Five Principles of the Greek Community: Scholarship & Learning, Service & Philanthropy, Leadership, Community, and Brotherhood & Sisterhood. 


Section 3. Good Standing 

Full or Associate Member that satisfies the requirement and duties of full or associate membership is in good standing with PA, FSL, and MU. 


Section 4. Loss of Good Standing. 

  1. A Full Member may lose its Good Standing with PA FSL, and/or MU if it is found responsible for violating and Requirements or Duties of Full Membership by PA Peer Accountability Board, FSL, and/or MU. 

  2. An Associate Member may lose its Good Standing with PA, FSL, and/or MU if it is found responsible for violating any Requirements or Duties of Associate Membership by PA Peer Accountability  Board, FSL, and/or MU. 


Section 5. Petitioning for Membership 

Women's fraternal organizations petitioning for Membership into the PA, shall meet the following criteria:

  1. Be recognized by the FSL and MU.

  2. Meet with the standing PA for an explanation of the group and coverage of the PA Constitution/Bylaws. 

  3. Submit a petition with the following information: Official name of group, Date petition submitted, Membership Status the group is seeking (Full or Associate Member), Membership requirements of group, Explanation of group, Chapter Information Sheet from the FSL, and Constitution/Bylaws. 


Complete Petitions for Membership shall go to a vote to the Panhellenic Council. A majority vote is needed for Full or Associate Member status. 


Article IV. Officers and Duties 

Section 1. Executive Board Officers 

The elected offices of the PA shall be the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Standards, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Recruitment, Vice President of Member Development, Vice President of Service and Philanthropy, Vice President of Programming, and Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. 


Section 2. Board of Directors 

The appointed offices of the PA shall be the Director of Marketing, Director of Health and Wellness, Director of ACROPOLIS, Director of Sorority Living Learning Communities, Director of Scholarship and Learning, and Director of Community Engagement.


Section 3. Eligibility 

  1. The officers shall be members from Chapters holding membership in the PA. 

  2. PA Delegates, chapter Presidents, Chapter recruitment chairs, and any other position that could be deemed a conflict of interest when fulfilling the duties of the PA Officer are not eligible to serve as PA Officers during the same term, unless approved by the Executive Board on a case-by-case basis.

  3. The following qualifications apply to candidates for all offices: 

    1. Good standing with their chapter 

    2. Minimum 2.8 cumulative grade point average or a 3.0 for the previous semester

  4. Additionally, the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Standards, Vice President of Recruitment, Vice President of Finance, Director of Rho Gammas, and Director of ACROPOLIS must be a junior/3rd year student when elected into office, the Director of Rho Gammas must have had at least one year of recruitment experience.


Section 4. Selection Process 

  1. The Slating Committee shall slate Executive Board officers for their positions. 

  2. The Slating Committee will consist of the outgoing Panhellenic Executive Board officers, the outgoing Chapter Presidents, and the outgoing Panhellenic Chapter Delegates. If both the outgoing chapter President and Panhellenic Delegate are running for executive positions, another representative from the chapter may partake in slating with the approval of the PA Executive Board. 

  3. Executive Board Officers will be voted into office by majority vote. Each Member Chapter will have one vote. 

  4. If there is no majority vote, the floor will open for a discussion on which of the following three steps should be taken. 

    1. A revote with the candidates previously voted on. 

    2. A vote of no confidence, wherein the Slating Committee will determine: 

      1. If the Delegates do have confidence in at least one of the available candidates, they must revisit one of the other options available. 

      2. If the Delegates do not have confidence in any of the candidates, they may vote to reopen the position for new applicants. 

    3. If there are more than two candidates, the candidate with the lowest number of votes is dropped from the ballot and the Delegates revote on the remaining candidates. 

  5. Selection Format for Executive Board: 

  1. Application: Any eligible Panhellenic woman may apply for the Panhellenic Executive Board. The application will be available on The Hub for no less than two weeks. Once applications are submitted, the Executive Vice President, with assistance from the Panhellenic Executive Board and Panhellenic Delegates, will organize the applicants into interview time slots. 

  2. Interviews: For each Panhellenic Executive Board position, there will be an interviewing committee made up of five members of the Interviewing Slating Committee. Specifically, this should consist of the outgoing Executive Board member, two Panhellenic delegates and two Panhellenic presidents. 

  3. Recommendations: The Interviewing Slating Committee will recommend for no more than three candidates to be invited back to give speeches to the entire Panhellenic Slating Committee. 

  4. Speeches: Following the interview process, the full Slating Committee, made up of all outgoing Panhellenic Executive Board members, Panhellenic Delegates and Panhellenic Presidents, will hear speeches from the top candidates for each position in reverse slating order. The Panhellenic Executive Vice President will facilitate the elections. 

    1. The outgoing Panhellenic Executive Board officer may list important qualities and expectations of the position before speeches begin for that position. The outgoing officers may also state whether or not a candidate met with them to learn about their positions. 

F. Selection Process for Board of Directors: 

  1. Application: Any eligible Panhellenic woman may apply for the Panhellenic Board of Directors. The application will be available on The Hub for no less than two weeks. Once applications are submitted, each individual incoming Panhellenic officer, in conjunction with the outgoing Board of Director, will organize the applicants into interview time slots. 

  2. Interviews: For each position, the interviewing committee will consist of the incoming Executive Board Panhellenic Officer and outgoing Board of Director. 

  3. Recommendations: The interviewing committee will recommend no more than three candidates for the position to the incoming and outgoing Executive Vice President.


Section 5. Office-Holding Limitations 

No two positions on the PA Executive Board shall be held by members of the same affiliation. No more than two positions on the PA Board of Directors shall be held by members of the same affiliation. Chapter members of the same affiliation may hold officer positions on both the Executive Board and Board of Directors, but between both Boards, no more than three members of the same affiliation may hold officer positions. 


Section 6. Term 

The officers shall serve a term starting the second semester of the academic year, with elections held during the first semester of the academic year. The expectation of this commitment is to serve a full term, starting from the day of election through the end of Bid Day the following academic year. As “incoming” Executive Officers and Directors are elected and appointed, respectively, during the persisting term of “outgoing” Executive Officers and Directors, this period will be henceforth known as the Transition Period. 


Section 7. Transition Period 

During the period in which outgoing Executive Officers are still serving their terms while incoming Executive Officers have been elected, transitions between the outgoing and incoming position holders will occur. The executive, legislative, and accountability capacities will remain within the jurisdiction of the outgoing Executive Officers and Directors until after Bid Day. 


Section 8: Removal 

A member of the Executive Board or Board of Directors shall be removed from office for failure to fulfill the duties of the position as outlined herein. An officer of the PA may be removed by the following three procedures: 

  1. The Panhellenic Council may motion to vote to remove an officer of the PA. The Officer shall then hear and respond to the charges at the next regular meeting of the Panhellenic Council. The Panhellenic Council may then remove the Officer with a three-fourths (3/4) vote. 

  2. The advisor and the PA President acting in the best interest of the PA may together remove a PA Officer. The Officer shall still hear and respond to the charges before removal. However, the Officer may appeal the decision of the advisor and the PA President to the Panhellenic Council. Final authority regarding the removal of the Officer shall reside in the Panhellenic Council. A three-fourths (3/4) vote from the Panhellenic Council shall uphold the removal of the Officer. 

  3. PA Officers may resign or be terminated when they do not meet the qualifications under Article II, Section B of the PA Bylaws. 


Section 9. Vacancy 

In the event of a vacancy, the Panhellenic Executive Board and PA Advisor shall address a vacancy of a PA Office. Executive Board Officers will be voted into office by majority vote, and normal Selection Process protocol will be followed as outlined in Article IV Section 3 of the Miami University Panhellenic Association Bylaws.

  1. If a vacancy occurs, the Panhellenic Executive Board and the Panhellenic Advisors will decide whether to hold a special election for the vacancy or if a current Executive Board member will assume the position in addition to the current position of the officer. This will be decided on a case-by-case basis. 

  2. A vacant position should be filled within three weeks of the announcement of the vacancy. 

  3.  If the role of Panhellenic President becomes vacant, the Executive Vice President will assume the Presidency and the position of Executive Vice President will be filled in the manner stated above. 


Section 10. Duties of Officers 

  1. The President shall: 

  1. Have overall responsibility for the operation of the PA. 

  2. Call and preside at all regular and special meetings of the Panhellenic Council. 

  3. Call and preside at all PA Executive Board meetings. 

  4. Share the responsibility to call and preside over all All-Council Presidents Meetings, if applicable.

  5. Serve on the Student Life Council (or appoint an alternate, if necessary) 

  6. Assist in Recruitment, primarily with Recruitment infractions. 

  7. Meet weekly with a designated FSL staff advisor. 

  8. Meet with other campus constituents as necessary. 

  9. Coordinate maintenance and implementation of the Miami University Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Association Risk Management Policy with the IFC President, Vice President of Standards and Vice President of Fraternal Conduct. 

  10. Weekly Expectations: attend weekly Council meetings, attend weekly Exec meetings, meet with FSL staff, attend committee meetings and attend any other events and/or meetings deemed necessary. 

  11. Form a voluntary committee of delegates when necessary 

  12. If necessary, facilitate regular Chapter President Roundtables. 

  13. Hold individual meetings with each PA Chapter President at least once per semester. 

  14. Serve as a member of the Peer Accountability Board as needed.

  15. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 

  16. Support Chapter Presidents and Executive Board when needed. 


B. The Executive Vice President shall: 

  1. Assume the responsibility of running meetings in the absence of the President. 

  2. Prepare and type all agendas, minutes, (President, Delegates, All-Council, and Executive Board meetings) and officer correspondence; send minutes to NPC Area Advisor. Maintain an attendance record for all such meetings. 

  3. Plan Panhellenic Delegate workshops in conjunction with other Panhellenic Executive Officers when deemed necessary. 

  4. Be responsible for all council correspondence. 

  5. Maintain and update all Panhellenic list serves. 

  6. Oversee PA office operations. 

  7. Chair the Slating Committee and manage all Selection Processes. 

  8. Update the Constitution and Bylaws at least once during the officer’s term. 

  9. Weekly Expectations: attend weekly Council meetings, attend weekly Exec meetings, meet with FSL staff, attend committee meetings and attend any other events and/or meetings deemed necessary. 

  10. Serve as a member of the Peer Accountability Board as needed.

  11. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


C. The Vice President of Standards shall: 

  1. Select and Chair the Standards Board, if deemed necessary. 

  2. Compile a social chair manual with the IFC Vice President of Fraternal Conduct. 

  3. Update social resources file. 

  4. Manage the Panhellenic event registration process and confirm all registered events, assigning approval or disapproval of events. 

  5. Plan semesterly risk management training sessions with IFC Vice President of Fraternal Conduct.

  6. Weekly Expectations: attend weekly Council meetings, attend weekly Exec meetings, meet with FSL staff, attend committee meetings and attend any other events and/or meetings deemed necessary.

  7. Execute party checks when necessary. 

  8. Serve as the Peer Accountability Officer.

  9. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


D. The Vice President of Finance shall: 

  1. Be responsible for the general supervision of the finances of PA 

  2. Be responsible for the preparation of the semesterly budget and, following its approval, providing a copy to each PA member 

  3. Receive all payments due to the PA; collect all dues, fees, and fines 

  4. Update the Panhellenic community regarding money allocated and spent within the semesterly budget 

  5. Coordinate the distribution of University Funding among member chapters. 

  6. Coordinate the All-Council Activity Fund and oversee disbursements in conjunction with IFC, MGC and NPHC counterparts under the direction of the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. 

  7. Weekly Expectations: attend weekly Council meetings, attend weekly Exec meetings, meet with FSL staff, attend committee meetings and attend any other events and/or meetings deemed necessary. 

  8. Serve as a member of the Peer Accountability Board as needed.

  9. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


E. The Vice President of Recruitment shall: 

  1. Coordinate Formal and Informal Recruitment. 

  2. Select and chair the Recruitment Committee 

  3. Conduct evaluations from Potential New Members (PNMs), Rho Gammas, and recruitment chairs concerning recruitment if necessary. 

  4. Coordinate PNM information. 

  5. Coordinate Bid Day. 

  6. Coordinate at least two (2) GO GREEK events with the IFC, NPHC, and MGC representatives.

  7. Coordinate Rho Gammas with the Co-Directors of Rho Gammas. 

  8. Weekly Expectations: attend weekly Council meetings, attend weekly Exec meetings, meet with FSL staff, attend committee meetings and attend any other events and/or meetings deemed necessary. 

  9. Coordinate Extension Committee, when necessary. 

  10. Serve as a member of the Peer Accountability Board as needed.

  11. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office


F. The Vice President of Member Development shall: 

  1. Coordinate a comprehensive New Member Educator Manual and training. 

  2. Coordinate all New Member programming including, but not limited to speakers, alcohol education, hazing prevention, etc in conjunction with the VP of Standards. 

  3. Coordinate New Member Convocation with IFC VP of New Member Development and other necessary participants. 

  4. Assist Campus Services with sorority lottery & corridor selection. 

  5. Oversee Panhellenic Residence Chairs and attend central quad Sorority Living Learning Community meetings as needed. 

  6. Weekly Expectations: attend weekly Council meetings, attend weekly Exec meetings, meet with FSL staff, attend committee meetings and attend any other events and/or meetings deemed necessary. 

  7. Serve as a member of the Peer Accountability Board as needed.

  8. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


G. The Vice President of Service and Philanthropy 

  1. Select and Chair the Community Service and Philanthropy Committee 

  2. Co-chair the Greek Community Project Fund and oversee its disbursements. 

  3. Attend Student Community Relations Committee meetings. 

  4. Update list of philanthropies and philanthropy guidelines. 

  5. Attend all meetings of community concerns.

  6. Coordinate PA Community Events. 

  7. Coordinate all Greek Philanthropy/Community Service Events with the IFC, NPHC, and MGC representatives. 

  8. Update and Coordinate the Greek Philanthropy Guidelines Policy with the help of the chapter Philanthropy chairs. 

  9. Weekly Expectations: attend weekly Council meetings, attend weekly Exec meetings, meet with FSL staff, attend committee meetings and attend any other events and/or meetings deemed necessary. 

  10. Serve as a member of the Peer Accountability Board as needed.

  11. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


H. The Vice President of Programming 

  1. Coordinate internal and external and community-wide programming for the PA.

  2. Coordinate Panhellenic involvement in all-campus events and programs. 

  3. Assist in planning Greek-Sponsored events including but not limited to Community and Recruitment events as sponsored by the PA and or FSL. 

  4. Weekly Expectations: attend weekly Council meetings, attend weekly Exec meetings, meet with FSL staff, attend committee meetings and attend any other events and/or meetings deemed necessary. 

  5. Serve as a member of the Peer Accountability Board as needed.

  6. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


I. The Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 

  1. Coordinate with the Executive Board and DEI Impact Teams to promote diverse programming and foster an inclusive space for Panhellenic members. The DEI Impact Teams are categorized as follows: 

    1. Education & Programming 

    2. Elections & Transitions

    3. Investigation & Analysis 

    4. Civic Action & Advocacy 

    5. Recruitment & New Member Experiences 

    6. Women’s Rights & Empowerment 

  2. Pair with organizations on campus that promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

  3. Develop member education that reflects our community standards. 

  4. Ensure inclusive Panhellenic recruitment practices. 

  5. Actively provide resources to chapter DEI chairs on a weekly basis 

  6. Talk about upcoming events on campus, providing resources and information to educate members of the Panhellenic Community 

  7. Address issues that are brought to impact teams attention. 

  8. Weekly Expectations: Attend weekly Executive Board meetings, facilitate meetings with DEI Chairs from each chapter at least once a month, facilitate meetings with the DEI Impact Team chairs. 

  9. Serve as a member of the Peer Accountability Board as needed.

  10. Perform all other duties pertaining to this office. 


Section 11. Duties of Board of Directors 

A. Director of Marketing 

  1. Maintain social media and websites with events, programs, and updates. 

  2. Create graphic design and marketing materials. 

  3. Design apparel as needed. 

  4. Develop press releases and community news updates. 

  5. Serve on the Recruitment Committee and work with VP of Recruitment to create marketing materials for Recruitment. 

  6. Expectations: Attend monthly Board of Directors and biweekly Executive Board meetings, meet with Executive Board members they are in direct contact with monthly, and attend a minimum of three Panhellenic events unrelated to their position per semester.

  7. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


B. Director of Health and Wellness 

  1. Communicates with Miami’s Health and Wellness services weekly to keep the Panhellenic community up to date with the latest information 

  2. Completes required courses provided by Miami’s Health and Wellness Services 

  3. Works with the VP of Programming, VP of Public Relations, and Directors of Health & Wellness from other organizations to market and coordinate any relevant events, services, or programs 

  4. Hosts one open-discussion event each semester that allows individuals from chapters to be open about mental health struggles, drug & alcohol abuse, body image, and/or anything related 

  5. Regularly provides updated information in regard to Student Counseling Services and how or when to seek help 

  6. Works with the Director of ACROPOLIS to organize and run a health & wellness segment at ACROPOLIS 

  7. Actively researches and provides information to the Panhellenic Association the latest studies and information regarding health and wellness 

  8. Actively provides health and wellness resources to chapters

  9. Maintain contact with the Vice President of Standards. 

  10. Implement programs that help prevent risk throughout the Panhellenic community

  11. Approve social events when necessary. 

  12. Aid in party checks when necessary. 

  13. Expectations: Attend monthly Board of Directors and biweekly Executive Board meetings, meet with Executive Board members they are in direct contact with monthly, and attend a minimum of three Panhellenic events unrelated to their position per semester. 

  14. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


D. Director of Sorority Living Learning Community 

  1. Hold meetings with Panhellenic Residence Chairs. 

  2. Develop a Panhellenic Residence Chair manual and oversee their programs. 

  3. Attend resident meetings and coordinate Panhellenic information to the Vice President of Member Development. 

  4. Plan Fall Kickoff with the aid of Vice President of Member Development and Panhellenic Residence Chairs. 

  5. Expectations: Attend monthly Board of Directors and biweekly Executive Board meetings, meet with Executive Board members they are in direct contact with monthly, and attend a minimum of three Panhellenic events unrelated to their position per semester.

  6. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


E. Director of ACROPOLIS 

  1. Conduct ACROPOLIS mentor and participation applications and interviews, if necessary. 

  2. Facilitate mentor meetings with IFC, MGC, and NPHC counterparts. 

  3. Attend bi-weekly meetings with advisors, VP of Member Development, and counterparts. 

  4. Plan curriculum and logistics for ACROPOLIS weekend. 

  5. Expectations: Attend monthly Board of Directors and biweekly Executive Board meetings, meet with Executive Board members they are in direct contact with monthly, and attend a minimum of three Panhellenic events unrelated to their position per semester. 

  6. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


F. Director of Scholarship and Learning 

  1. Coordinate with the Vice President of Member Development to create programs and events that promote scholarship and learning in the Panhellenic community. 

  2. Maintain contacts with university and outside personnel. 

  3. Plan and facilitate roundtables with scholarship chairs of individual chapters. 

  4. Expectations: Attend monthly Board of Directors and biweekly Executive Board meetings, meet with Executive Board members they are in direct contact with monthly, and attend a minimum of three Panhellenic events unrelated to their position per semester. 

  5. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


G. Director of Community Engagement 

  1. Maintain partnership with TOPSS (Talawanda Oxford Pantry and Social Service).

  2. Develop awareness and fundraising events throughout the semester. 

  3. Expectations: Attend monthly Board of Directors and biweekly Executive Board meetings, meet with Executive Board members they are in direct contact with monthly, and attend a minimum of three Panhellenic events unrelated to their position per semester.

  4. Perform all other duties usually pertaining to this office. 


Section 12. 

All Executive Board Officers are required to fulfill their officer duties as outlined regardless of IFC, MGC and/or NPHC involvement. 


Article V. The Panhellenic Council 

Section 1. Authority 

The administrative and legislative body of the PA is the Panhellenic Council. It shall be the duty of the Panhellenic Council to conduct all business related to the overall welfare of the PA including, but not limited to: annual review of governing documents, annual determination of dues, approval of the annual budget, consideration of extension, setting a calendar of events, determining programming and establishing recruitment rules and recruitment style. The Panhellenic Council shall also have the authority to adopt rules governing the PA that do not violate the sovereignty, rights and privileges of the member sororities.


Section 2. Composition and Privileges 

The Panhellenic Council shall be composed of one Delegate from each Chapter recognized by the PA, FSL, and/or MU. 


Section 3. Selection of Delegates and Alternates 

The individual chapter chooses its own delegate. Neither the officers of the Panhellenic Executive Board

nor the recruitment chairs may serve as Delegates for their chapters. Delegates shall serve a term of one year commencing upon selection by the chapter. Chapters shall also select an alternate delegate to act and vote in the place of the delegate when the delegate is absent. 


Section 4. Delegate Vacancies 

When a Delegate vacancy occurs, it shall be the responsibility of the chapter concerned to select a replacement within two weeks and to notify the PA Executive Vice President of the name and contact information of the new delegate. When a meeting of the Panhellenic Council occurs while a delegate vacancy exists, the alternate delegate of the chapter concerned shall fulfill the duties of the delegate in all cases. 


Section 5. Duties and responsibilities

The Panhellenic Delegate:

  1. Must attend all Panhellenic Council meetings.

  2. Must support NPC Unanimous Agreements, policies and procedures.

  3. Must understand local College Panhellenic Association policies and procedures.

  4. Must attend a spring training session when necessary.

  5. Should know when to consult member sorority’s chief panhellenic officer for assistance and advice regarding College Panhellenic concerns.

  6. Should be prepared and knowledgeable about College Panhellenic concerns, the views of the member organization and chapter and how to voice concerns to the Panhellenic Council.

  7. Should present regular College Panhellenic Association reports at chapter meetings.

  8. Should check the chapter mailbox frequently during the week, especially before each individual chapter meeting and make sure certain mail gets to the appropriate person by the time of the chapter meeting. The delegate may assign this task to another chapter officer. 


Section 6. Meetings 

  1. The Panhellenic Council shall meet at regularly scheduled weekly times. 

  2. Special meetings shall be called at the request of any chapter represented in the PA and/or when deemed necessary by the Executive Board. Electronic or written notice of each special meeting of the Panhellenic Council shall be sent to each member of the Panhellenic Council at least 24 hours prior to convening the meeting; however, such notice may be waived, and attendance at such meeting shall constitute waiver of said notice.

  3. Meetings are mandatory, and an alternate must attend in the absence of the designated chapter representative. A warning will be issued for the first absence, and a $50.00 fine will be imposed on the chapter for each subsequent absence. This includes, but is not limited to Panhellenic Council meetings and All Council Meetings, as outlined in Article IX, Section 9. Fines collected in this manner will be subsequently donated to PA’s philanthropy, TOPSS. 

  4. Chapter Presidents are required to attend meetings when designated as such; alumnae members may also be invited by a chapter to attend Panhellenic Council meetings without voting privileges. A Panhellenic Delegate may also bring chapter members or new members to meetings, taking care not to bring so many that the meeting space is crowded. 

  5. Designated chapter chairs or officers are required to attend meetings when designated as such by the appropriate Panhellenic Officer. Meetings that require attendance need 2 weeks notification prior to the occurrence of the meeting, unless absolutely necessary. 

  6. Quorum. Two-thirds of the member chapters shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 


Section 7. Voting 

  1. Each chapter will have one vote in all Panhellenic matters, as outlined in Article III of these bylaws.

  2. The voting members of the Panhellenic Council shall be the Panhellenic Delegate except as otherwise provided in Article III of these bylaws. The appointed alternate delegate shall act and vote in the place of the delegate when the delegate is absent.

  3. A 2/3 majority of the Panhellenic Council shall be necessary to carry all ideas or questions that involve or relate to the PA budget, bylaws, standing rules, and extension or re-establishment. 

  4. A majority vote shall be necessary to carry out all other motions. 

  5. The Executive Vice President will be in charge of all voting.  Another member of the PA Executive Board shall step in to oversee the voting in the absence of the Executive Vice President.

  6. The Executive Vice President will keep a record of every vote put into action and a chapter may ask to verify the way their chapter voted. At no time will any chapter be allowed to know what other chapters voted on a closed-vote matter.


Article VI: The Executive Board 

Section 1. Composition 

The elected offices of the PA shall be the President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Standards, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Recruitment, Vice President of Member Development, Vice President of Service and Philanthropy, Vice President of Programming, and Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. These officers will compose the Executive Board of the PA. 


Section 2. Duties 

The Executive Board of the PA shall have such powers and duties as are prescribed in the Bylaws of the MU PA, including, but not limited to the following. 


The Executive Board shall: 

  1. Assist in recruitment, attend all Executive Board and Council Meetings, meet weekly with FSL staff, coordinate (at least once per semester) a roundtable and/or one-on-one meetings with relevant chapter officers and positions, and attend any other events and/or meetings deemed necessary throughout the officer’s term. 

  2. Administer routine business between meetings of the Panhellenic Council when advisable and such other business as has been approved for action by a Panhellenic Council vote. 

  3. Report all action taken by the Executive Board at the next regular meeting of the Panhellenic Council and the Executive Vice President will record the action in the minutes of that meeting.

  4. Maintain a current and working notebook and/or electronic file including copies of policies and procedures of the council position; correspondence such as memos and emails; budgets and all relevant financial information; programming materials and resources; and any other necessary information. This should be used to help transition the next PA Executive Board. 

  5. Meet at least monthly with the Director that they are specifically communicating with. 


Article VII. Panhellenic Advisor 

The Panhellenic Advisor shall be a representative of the Student Affairs Division. The Panhellenic Advisor shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Miami University College Panhellenic Association. The Panhellenic advisor shall have voice but no vote in all meetings of the Panhellenic Council and the Executive Board.


Article VIII. Committees 

Section 1. Standing Committees 

Such Standing Committees and special officers as may be necessary to carry out the work of the PA shall be appointed by its Executive Board to serve during the tenure in office of the Board that appoints them. These are, but not limited to:, Recruitment Committee, Peer Accountability Board, and Service Committee. Committees to be considered depend upon the size and the needs of the PA. The committees must accommodate to include the Panhellenic Delegates; this may mean increasing committee size to include both delegates and interested general chapter members. 


Section 2. Appointment of Committee Membership 

The following qualifications apply to candidates for all standing committees; they must be in good standing with their Chapter and must have a minimum 2.8 cumulative grade point average or a 2.8 for the previous semester. Standing committee members are required to maintain at least a 2.8 cumulative grade

point average throughout their term on the standing committee; if they do not, they will be expected to resign or be terminated. New Members may apply to serve as committee members if they will be initiated to full membership by their respective chapters before the first committee meeting, a date which shall be designated on the application by the committee chair. Alternative measures may be taken at the discretion of the Executive Board and the PA Advisor. 


Section 3. Recruitment Committee 

  1. The Recruitment Committee shall consist of the VP of Recruitment as Chairman and selected staff to serve as one of eight directors. 

    1. Logistics Chair 

    2. 2 Co-Directors of Rho Gammas 

    3. Director of Marketing 

    4. Director of Informal Recruitment 

    5. Special Events Chair 

  2. This committee shall be responsible for all PA matters related to Recruitment. This committee shall be responsible for reviewing and developing Recruitment rules, submitting them for discussion, and approval to the PA (before the end of the term proceeding Formal Recruitment), and distributing copies of them when approved to the delegates of member chapters. Following each Recruitment period, the Chairman of this committee shall present a full report, including recommendations, to the PA. The Recruitment Committee will also perform all other duties usually pertaining to this committee. 


Section 4. Peer Accountability Board

  1. The Peer Accountability Board must consist of the Vice President of Standards as the presiding officer, two members of the College Panhellenic Executive Board selected at random and rotated between accountability resolution meetings, and the fraternity/sorority advisor as an ex-officio non-voting member. 

  2. In accordance with NPC Unanimous Agreement VII. College Panhellenic Association Peer Accountability Process, it shall be the Peer Accountability Board’s duty to hold a formal accountability resolution meeting to adjudicate all alleged infractions of the NPC Unanimous Agreements and policies, the bylaws, code of ethics, standing rules and membership recruitment rules of the Miami University College Panhellenic Association that are not settled through an informal accountability resolution meeting. The members of the Peer Accountability Board shall maintain confidentiality throughout and upon completion of the process.


Section 5. Programing Committees 

  1. The Greek Week Executive Board shall consist of the VP of Programming and IFC, MGC, and NPHC VP of Programming as Chairmen and selected staff to serve as one of the directors.

  2. This committee is responsible for the logistics, communication, fundraising, and competition throughout the entirety of Greek Week. 

  3. It shall be the duty of the Greek Week Executive Board to assist in planning, coordinating and actively running Greek Week events and to assist the VP of Programming. The Greek Week Executive Board will also perform all other duties pertaining to this committee. 


Article IX. Finances 

Section 1. Fiscal year 

The fiscal year of the PA shall be from January 1 to December 31 of the following year inclusive.


Section 2. Payments 

All payments due to the PA shall be made to the VP of Finance, who shall record them. Checks for payments shall be made payable to Miami University.


Section 3. Budget 

  1. A budget shall be proposed and voted upon by the PA at the beginning of the semester.

  2. VP of Finance shall give a semesterly report of PA finances. 


Section 4. Membership Dues 

  1. PA dues shall be established semesterly by vote of the PA prior to the beginning of the next semester. 

  2. The dues of each PA Full Member Chapter shall be an assessment per member and new member.

  3. The dues of each PA Associate Member Chapter shall be an assessment per member and new member. 

  4. Should a chapter require a payment plan, the chapter treasurer must make arrangements with the VP of Finance. 

  5. Members who are student teaching and members studying abroad for one semester need not pay Panhellenic dues. 


Section 5. Due Dates 

Dues shall be due once in Fall and once in Spring. The exact date shall be set at least two weeks before the due date and will be set by the current VP of Finance. 


Section 6: Late Payment of Bills 

There is a fine for late payment of bills. The amount due will be increased by a 7% increment for every week late after a one-week grace period. 


Section 7. All Council Activities Fund 

In an effort to increase the level of quality of programming offered to the fraternity and sorority communities at Miami University, the Cliff Alexander Office is asking for the Panhellenic Council, the Interfraternity Council, the Multi-Cultural Greek Council and the National Pan-Hellenic Council to establish a Fraternity and Sorority Programming fee for its members. The money will go to improving programs such as ADVANCE, ACROPOLIS, and Greek Week and will also help make sure each council is paying based on the number of members it has. 


Section 8. Fines 

  1. Roundtable meetings headed by PA Executive Board Officers and Directors are mandatory for the corresponding chapter chairholders to attend. An alternate must attend in the absence of the chapter chairholder. Quad Council Meetings are mandatory for chapter presidents to attend. An alternate must attend in the absence of the chapter president.  A warning will be issued for the first absence, and a $50.00 fine will be imposed on the chapter for each subsequent absence. Fines collected in this manner will be subsequently donated to PA’s current community philanthropy initiative. 

  2. Interviews for the Panhellenic Executive Board headed by the Executive Vice President and attended by chapter presidents and delegates are mandatory, and a designated alternate must attend in the absence of the chapter president and/or delegate. A $50.00 fine will be imposed on the chapter for each absence. Fines collected in this manner will be subsequently donated to PA’s current community philanthropy initiative. 

  3. For every active member who does not reach the requirement of four service hours per semester, a $5.00 fine per hour will be imposed on the chapter. During the first semester in a chapter, a new member is required to fulfill four service hours. Fines collected in this manner will be subsequently donated to PA’s current community philanthropy initiative. 


Article X. Extension 

  1. Extension is the process of adding an NPC women’s-only sorority. The Miami University College Panhellenic Association shall follow all NPC Unanimous Agreements and NPC extension guidelines found on the NPC website and in the NPC Manual of Information.

  2. Voting rights - Only regular members of the Panhellenic Council shall vote on extension matters.


Article XI. Violations 

Section 1. Violation

Chapters shall be held accountable for the conduct of their individual collegiate and alumnae members. Conduct contrary to the NPC Unanimous Agreements, these bylaws, the Panhellenic code of ethics, standing rules and/or membership recruitment regulations of the Miami University College Panhellenic Association shall be considered a violation.


Section 2. Informal resolution

Members are encouraged to resolve alleged violations through informal discussion with the involved parties.


Section 3. Peer accountability procedure

The Miami University College Panhellenic Association shall follow all NPC Unanimous Agreements and NPC guidelines for the peer accountability process.


Article XII. Hazing 

All forms of hazing, new member and/or pre-initiation activities, which are defined as hazing, shall be

banned. As defined by the MU Code of Student Conduct, Section 109. Hazing, "Coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into, or as a condition of participation in, a student organization or activity that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing physical or mental harm to any person is prohibited. Examples of prohibited behavior include forced drinking of alcohol, paddling, creation of fatigue, physical shocks, degrading or humiliating games, physical harassment, branding, public stunts, and forced tattoos. (See Appendix X of TheMiami Bulletin: The Student Handbook for additional examples and discussion.)" 


Violations of this nature will be handled directly by the MU Office of Community Standards. 


Article XIII. Inclusion Statement 

Miami University Panhellenic Association does not categorically deny membership to an individual, based on race, color, religion, sex*, national origin, age, disability, marital status, military or veteran status, or political affiliation. 


*Pursuant to 20 U.S.C. 1681(a)(6)(A), social fraternities and sororities may limit membership on the basis on sex.


Article XIV. Parliamentary Authority 

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Miami University Panhellenic Association when applicable and when they are not inconsistent with the NPC Unanimous Agreements, these bylaws and any special rules of order the Miami University Panhellenic Association may adopt.


Article XV. Amendments 

These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the voting members of the PA, provided notice of the proposed amendment has been given in writing at the preceding regular meeting.


Article XVI. Dissolution

This College Panhellenic Association shall be dissolved when only one regular member exists at Miami University. In the event of the dissolution, none of the assets of the Association shall be distributed to any members of the Association, but after payment of all debts, its assets shall be given to NPC unless otherwise required by state law.

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